Sunday Apr 28

Lawyer Jokes

Filter Display #
851 Lyin' Lawyer Laffs 1487
852 Lawyers on the Beach 1487
853 Lawyer Stamps 1487
854 Lawyers and Lightbulbs 1487
855 Trampoline vs. Lawyer 1487
856 The Lawyer Who Was Too Big to Bury 1487
857 My Father, The Whorehouse Piano Player 1486
858 Engineering In Hell 1486
859 Defense Lawyer's Good News 1486
860 The Worst Hostage Drama In The World 1485
861 The Worst Hostage Drama In The World 1485
862 Lawyers and Lightbulbs, Case #2 1485
863 The Worst Hostage Drama In The World 1485
864 What happens when a lawyer takes Viagra... 1485
865 The Lawyer and the Roadkill 1485

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